AG Experimentelle perinatale Neurowissenschaften
Forschung für die Kleinsten
Die Fragestellungen der Experimentellen perinatalen Neurowissenschaften zielen darauf ab, zelluläre und molekulare Mechanismen typischer Erkrankungen von Frühgeborenen und kranken Neugeboren aufzudecken, dabei steht die Unversehrtheit des zentralen Nervensystems im Mittelpunkt der Forschung.
Experimentelle Forschung
Unsere experimentelle Forschung fokussiert sich auf schädigende Ereignisse bei Neugeborenen, die Entwicklungsprozesse des noch unreifen Gehirns dauerhaft negativ beeinflussen können und zumeist in nachhaltig veränderten neurologischen Funktionen münden. Als solche Faktoren wurden unter anderem ein Ungleichgewicht der Sauerstoffversorgung, inflammatorische Prozesse sowie die Verabreichung bestimmter Medikamente identifiziert.
Wir haben im Verlauf der letzten Jahre verschiedene experimentelle Modelle (Hypoxie, Hypoxie-Ischämie, Hyperoxie, Lipopolysaccharid (LPS) – vermittelte Inflammation) entwickelt und etabliert, um Pathomechanismen und potentielle Therapieoptionen unter den genannten Noxen zu untersuchen. Unser primäres Ziel ist es, die zugrundeliegenden Pathomechanismen zellulär und molekular zu charakterisieren mit besonderem Fokus auf die Neuron-Glia-Wechselwirkung und neuro-inflammatorische Prozesse.
Darüber hinaus bildet die Erprobung potentiell zellprotektiver- und neuroregenerativer Pharmazeutika sowie zelltherapeutischer Interventionen ein weiteres Hauptziel unserer Forschung, die mittelfristig in die Klinik übertragen werden sollen. Mittels geeigneter bildgebender und motor-kognitiver Untersuchungen wird die langfristige Entwicklung in oben genannten Modellen evaluiert.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. medic.
Ivo Bendix

PD Dr. phil.
Josephine Herz
Wiss. Mit.,
stellvertretende Leitung

Eva Diesterbeck M.Sc.
Wiss. Mit.

Markus Gallert M.Sc.
Wiss. Mit.

Ralf Herrmann, Dipl.-Biol.
Wiss. Mit.

Karina Kempe, Dipl.-Biochem.

Christian Köster

Dr. rer. nat.
Nicole Labusek
Wiss. Mit.

Stefanie Obst M.Sc.
Wiss. Mit.

Dr. med.
Sebastian Prager

Mandana Rizazad

Dr. rer. nat.
Meray Serdar
Wiss. Mit.

Rebecca Steffen M.Sc.
Wiss. Mit.
- Neuropilin-1 identifies a subset of highly activated CD8+ T cells during parasitic and viral infections. PLoS Pathog. 2023 Nov 29;19(11):e1011837.Abberger H, Hose M, Ninnemann A, Menne C, Eilbrecht M, Lang KS, Matuschewski K, Geffers R, Herz J, Buer J, Westendorf AM, Hansen W.
- Hypothermia combined with extracellular vesicles from clonally expanded immortalized mesenchymal stromal cells improves neurodevelopmental impairment in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. J Neuroinflammation. 2023 Nov 27;20(1):280. Labusek N, Ghari P, Mouloud Y, Köster C, Diesterbeck E, Hadamitzky M, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I, Giebel B, Herz J.
- Extracellular vesicles from immortalized mesenchymal stromal cells protect against neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Inflamm Regen. 2023 Apr 17;43(1):24. Labusek N, Mouloud Y, Köster C, Diesterbeck E, Tertel T, Wiek C, Hanenberg H, Horn PA, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I, Giebel B, Herz J.
- Growth-Restricted Fetuses and Offspring Reveal Adverse Sex-Specific Metabolic Responses in Preeclamptic Mice Expressing Human sFLT1. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Apr 7;24(8):6885. Vogtmann R, Bao M, Dewan MV, Riedel A, Kimmig R, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I, Plösch T, Gellhaus A.
- Taste-immune associative learning amplifies immunopharmacological effects and attenuates disease progression in a rat glioblastoma model. Brain Behav Immun. 2022 Nov;106:270-279. Hetze S, Barthel L, Lückemann L, Günther HS, Wülfing C, Salem Y, Jakobs M, Hörbelt-Grünheidt T, Petschulat J, Bendix I, Weber-Stadlbauer U, Sure U, Schedlowski M, Hadamitzky M.
- The Impact of Increased Maternal sFlt-1/PlGF Ratio on Motor Outcome of Preterm Infants. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022 Jun 30;13:913514. Middendorf L, Gellhaus A, Iannaccone A, Köninger A, Dathe AK, Bendix I, Reisch B, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Huening B.
- Systemic Maternal Human sFLT1 Overexpression Leads to an Impaired Foetal Brain Development of Growth-Restricted Foetuses upon Experimental Preeclampsia. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2022 Jun 2;2022:3024032. Vogtmann R, Burk LV, Serdar M, Kimmig R, Bendix I, Gellhaus A.
- Postischemic Neuroprotection Associated With Anti-Inflammatory Effects by Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicles in Aged Mice. Stroke. 2022 Jan;53(1):e14-e18. Wang C, Börger V, Mohamud Yusuf A, Tertel T, Stambouli O, Murke F, Freund N, Kleinschnitz C, Herz J, Gunzer M, Popa-Wagner A, Doeppner TR, Giebel B, Hermann DM.
- Perinatal Hyperoxia and Developmental Consequences on the Lung-Brain Axis. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2022 Feb 24;2022:5784146. Obst S, Herz J, Alejandre Alcazar MA, Endesfelder S, Möbius MA, Rüdiger M, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I.
- Regulatory T Cells Contribute to Sexual Dimorphism in Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury. Stroke. 2022 Feb;53(2):381-390. Beckmann L, Obst S, Labusek N, Abberger H, Köster C, Klein-Hitpass L, Schumann S, Kleinschnitz C, Hermann DM, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I, Hansen W, Herz J.
- Peripheral immune cells and perinatal brain injury: a double-edged sword? Pediatr Res. 2022 Jan;91(2):392-403. Herz J, Bendix I, Felderhoff-Müser U.
- Hyperoxia Leads to Transient Endocrine Alterations in the Neonatal Rat During Postnatal Development. Front Pediatr. 2021 Oct 26;9:723928. Kowallick M, Serdar M, Markova B, Salveridou E, Felderhoff-Müser U, Führer-Sakel D, Heuer H, Bendix I, Dewan MV.
- Hypothermia modulates myeloid cell polarization in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. J Neuroinflammation. 2021 Nov 13;18(1):266.Seitz M, Köster C, Dzietko M, Sabir H, Serdar M, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I, Herz J.
- Peripheral immune cells and perinatal brain injury: a double-edged sword? Pediatr Res. 2021 Nov 8. Herz J, Bendix I, Felderhoff-Müser U.
- Circulating Maternal sFLT1 (Soluble fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase-1) Is Sufficient to Impair Spiral Arterial Remodeling in a Preeclampsia Mouse Model. Hypertension. 2021 Sep;78(4):1067-1079. Vogtmann R, Heupel J, Herse F, Matin M, Hagmann H, Bendix I, Kräker K, Dechend R, Winterhager E, Kimmig R, Köninger A, Gellhaus A.
- Treatment with the calcineurin inhibitor and immunosuppressant cyclosporine A impairs sensorimotor gating in Dark Agouti rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2021 Apr;238(4):1047-1057.Brosda J, Becker T, Richter M, Jakobs M, Hörbelt T, Bendix I, Lückemann L, Schedlowski M, Hadamitzky M.
- Neurobehavioral effects in rats with experimentally induced glioblastoma after treatment with the mTOR-inhibitor rapamycin. Neuropharmacology. 2021 Feb 15;184:108424. Unteroberdörster M, Herring A, Bendix I, Lückemann L, Petschulat J, Sure U, Keyvani K, Hetze S, Schedlowski M, Hadamitzky M.
- Neutrophil dynamics, plasticity and function in acute neurodegeneration following neonatal hypoxia-ischemia. Brain Behav Immun. 2021 Feb;92:232-242. Mülling K, Fischer AJ, Siakaeva E, Richter M, Bordbari S, Spyra I, Köster C, Hermann DM, Gunzer M, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I, Jablonska J, Herz J.
- Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Reduce Neuroinflammation, Promote Neural Cell Proliferation and Improve Oligodendrocyte Maturation in Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury. Front Cell Neurosci. 2020 Dec 10;14:601176. Kaminski N, Köster C, Mouloud Y, Börger V, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I, Giebel B, Herz J.
- Involvement of CXCL1/CXCR2 During Microglia Activation Following Inflammation-Sensitized Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury in Neonatal Rats. Front Neurol. 2020 Oct 6;11:540878. Serdar M, Kempe K, Herrmann R, Picard D, Remke M, Herz J, Bendix I, Felderhoff-Müser U, Sabir H.
- Repetitive Erythropoietin Treatment Improves Long-Term Neurocognitive Outcome by Attenuating Hyperoxia-Induced Hypomyelination in the Developing Brain. Front Neurol. 2020 Aug 12;11:804. Dewan MV, Serdar M, van de Looij Y, Kowallick M, Hadamitzky M, Endesfelder S, Fandrey J, Sizonenko SV, Herz J, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I.
- Prevention of Oxygen-Induced Inflammatory Lung Injury by Caffeine in Neonatal Rats. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020 Aug 7;2020:3840124. Endesfelder S, Strauß E, Bendix I, Schmitz T, Bührer C.
- RNA interference therapeutics targeting angiotensinogen ameliorate preeclamptic phenotype in rodent models. J Clin Invest. 2020 Jun 1;130(6):2928-2942. Haase N, Foster DJ, Cunningham MW, Bercher J, Nguyen T, Shulga-Morskaya S, Milstein S, Shaikh S, Rollins J, Golic M, Herse F, Kräker K, Bendix I, Serdar M, Napieczynska H, Heuser A, Gellhaus A, Thiele K, Wallukat G, Müller DN, LaMarca B, Dechend R.
- Causes and Consequences of Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Apr 15;11:205. Bendix I, Miller SL, Winterhager E.
- Detrimental Impact of Energy Drink Compounds on Developing Oligodendrocytes and Neurons. Cells. 2019 Nov 3;8(11):1381. Serdar M, Mordelt A, Müser K, Kempe K, Felderhoff-Müser U, Herz J, Bendix I.
- White Matter Brain Development after Exposure to Circulating Cell-Free Hemoglobin and Hyperoxia in a Rat Pup Model. Dev Neurosci. 2019;41(3-4):234-246. Jungner Å, Vallius Kvist S, Romantsik O, Bruschettini M, Ekström C, Bendix I, Herz J, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Bibic A, In Apos T Zandt R, Gram M, Ley D.
- Early Pro-inflammatory Microglia Activation After Inflammation-Sensitized Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury in Neonatal Rats. Front Cell Neurosci. 2019 May 24;13:237. Serdar M, Kempe K, Rizazad M, Herz J, Bendix I, Felderhoff-Müser U, Sabir H.
- Adverse neuropsychiatric development following perinatal brain injury: from a preclinical perspective. Pediatr Res. 2019 Jan;85(2):198-215. Bendix I, Hadamitzky M, Herz J, Felderhoff-Müser U.
- Peripheral T Cell Depletion by FTY720 Exacerbates Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury in Neonatal Mice. Front Immunol. 2018 Aug 6;9:1696. Herz J, Köster C, Crasmöller M, Abberger H, Hansen W, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I.
- Hypothermia Is Neuroprotective after Severe Hypoxic-Ischaemic Brain Injury in Neonatal Rats Pre-Exposed to PAM3CSK4. Dev Neurosci. 2018;40(3):189-197. Falck M, Osredkar D, Maes E, Flatebø T, Wood TR, Walløe L, Sabir H, Thoresen M.
- Fentanyl Induces Cerebellar Internal Granular Cell Layer Apoptosis in Healthy Newborn Pigs. Front Neurol. 2018 May 1;9:294. Sabir H, Dingley J, Scull-Brown E, Chakkarapani E, Thoresen M.
- Zbtb20 Regulates Developmental Neurogenesis in the Olfactory Bulb and Gliogenesis After Adult Brain Injury. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 May 11. Doeppner TR, Herz J, Bähr M, Tonchev AB, Stoykova A.
- Protection of Oligodendrocytes Through Neuronal Overexpression of the Small GTPase Ras in Hyperoxia-Induced Neonatal Brain Injury. Front Neurol. 2018 Mar 21;9:175. Serdar M, Herz J, Kempe K, Winterhager E, Jastrow H, Heumann R, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I.
- Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy Leads to Growth Restriction and Epigenetic Modification of the Srebf2 Gene in Rat Fetuses. Hypertension. 2018 May;71(5):911-920. Golic M, Stojanovska V, Bendix I, Wehner A, Herse F, Haase N, Kräker K, Fischer C, Alenina N, Bader M, Schütte T, Schuchardt M, van der Giet M, Henrich W, Muller DN, Felderhoff-Müser U, Scherjon S, Plösch T, Dechend R.
- Repeated systemic treatment with rapamycin affects behavior and amygdala protein expression in rats. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2018 Feb 15. Hadamitzky M, Herring A, Kirchhof J, Bendix I, Haight MJ, Keyvani K, Lückemann L, Unteroberdörster M, Schedlowski M.
- Interaction between hypothermia and delayed mesenchymal stem cell therapy in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Brain Behav Immun. 2018 Feb 14.Herz J, Köster C, Reinboth BS, Dzietko M, Hansen W, Sabir H, van Velthoven C, Bendix I, Felderhoff-Müser U.
- Caffeine Protects Against Anticonvulsant-Induced Neurotoxicity in the Developing Rat Brain. Neurotox Res. 2017 Oct;32(3):460-472. Endesfelder S, Weichelt U, Schiller C, Sifringer M, Bendix I, Bührer C.
- Effects of Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase-1 Inhibition in a Neonatal Rodent Model of Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury. Biomed Res Int. 2017;2017:2924848. Klöfers M, Kohaut J, Bendix I, Herz J, Boos V, Felderhoff-Müser U, Dzietko M.
- Sildenafil Enhances Quantity of Immature Neurons and Promotes Functional Recoveryin the Developing Ischemic Mouse Brain. Dev Neurosci. 2017;39(1-4):287-297. Engels J, Elting N, Braun L, Bendix I, Herz J, Felderhoff-Müser U, Dzietko M.
- Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles ameliorate inflammation-induced preterm brain injury. Brain Behav Immun. 2017 Feb;60:220-232. Drommelschmidt K, Serdar M, Bendix I, Herz J, Bertling F, Prager S, Keller M, Ludwig AK, Duhan V, Radtke S, de Miroschedji K, Horn PA, van de Looij Y, Giebel B, Felderhoff-Müser U.
- Hyperoxia and the Immature Brain. Dev Neurosci. 2017 Feb 3. Reich B, Hoeber D, Bendix I, Felderhoff-Mueser U.
- Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles ameliorate inflammation-induced preterm brain injury. Brain Behav Immun. 2017 Feb;60:220-232. Drommelschmidt K, Serdar M, Bendix I, Herz J, Bertling F, Prager S, Keller M, Ludwig AK, Duhan V, Radtke S, de Miroschedji K, Horn PA, van de Looij Y, Giebel B, Felderhoff-Müser U.
- Dendritic cells tip the balance towards induction of regulatory T cells upon priming in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J Autoimmun. 2017 Jan;76:108-114. Paterka M, Voss JO, Werr J, Reuter E, Franck S, Leuenberger T, Herz J, Radbruch H, Bopp T, Siffrin V, Zipp F.
- Erythropoietin Restores Long-Term Neurocognitive Function Involving Mechanisms of Neuronal Plasticity in a Model of Hyperoxia-Induced Preterm Brain Injury. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2016. Hoeber D, Sifringer M, van de Looij Y, Herz J, Sizonenko SV, Kempe K, Serdar M, Palasz J, Hadamitzky M, Endesfelder S, Fandrey J, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I.
- Mesenchymal stem cells attenuate MRI-identifiable injury, protect white matter, and improve long-term functional outcomes after neonatal focal stroke in rats. J Neurosci Res. 2016 Oct 26. van Velthoven CT, Dzietko M, Wendland MF, Derugin N, Faustino J, Heijnen CJ, Ferriero DM, Vexler ZS.
- Endogenous hypothermic response to hypoxia reduces brain injury:Implications for modeling hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and therapeutichypothermia in neonatal mice. Exp Neurol. 2016 Jun 25;283(Pt A):264-275. Reinboth BS, Köster C, Abberger H, Prager S, Bendix I, Felderhoff-Müser U,Herz J
- Transient inhibition of protein synthesis in the rat insular cortex delays extinction of conditioned taste aversion with cyclosporine A. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2016 Jun 14;133:129-135. Hadamitzky M, Orlowski K, Schwitalla JC, Bösche K, Unteroberdörster M, Bendix I, Engler H, Schedlowski M
- ERK1 as a Therapeutic Target for Dendritic Cell Vaccination against High-Grade Gliomas. Mol Cancer Ther. 2016 Jun 2. Ku MC, Edes I, Bendix I, Pohlmann A, Waiczies H, Prozorovski T, Günther M,Martin C, Pagès G, Wolf SA, Kettenmann H, Uckert W, Niendorf T, Waiczies S
- Dose-dependent effects of levetiracetam after hypoxia and hypothermia in the neonatal mouse brain. Brain Res. 2016 May 20. pii: S0006-8993(16)30402-4. Strasser K, Lueckemann L, Kluever V, Thavaneetharajah S, Hoeber D, Bendix I, Fandrey J, Bertsche A, Felderhoff-Mueser U
- Tumor necrosis factor-inducible gene 6 protein: A novel neuroprotective factor against inflammation-induced developmental brain injury. Exp Neurol. 2016 May;279:283-9. Bertling F, Bendix I, Drommelschmidt K, Wisniewski HG, Felderhoff-Mueser U,Keller M, Prager S
- Fingolimod protects against neonatal white matterdamage and long-term cognitive deficits caused by hyperoxia. Brain Behav Immun. 2016 Feb;52:106-19. Serdar M, Herz J, Kempe K, Lumpe K, Reinboth BS, Sizonenko SV, Hou X, Herrmann R, Hadamitzky M, Heumann R, Hansen W, Sifringer M, van de Looij Y, Felderhoff-Müser U, Bendix I
- Oxygen Sensitivity of Placental Trophoblast Connexins 43 and 46: A Role in Preeclampsia? J Cell Biochem. 2015 Dec;116(12):2924-37. Otto T, Gellhaus A, Lüschen N, Scheidler J, Bendix I, Dunk C, Wolf N, Lennartz K, Köninger A, Schmidt M, Kimmig R, Fandrey J, Winterhager E
- Extracellular Vesicles Improve Post-Stroke Neuroregeneration and PreventPostischemic Immunosuppression. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2015 Oct;4(10):1131-43. Doeppner TR, Herz J, Görgens A, Schlechter J, Ludwig AK, Radtke S, de Miroschedji K, Horn PA, Giebel B, Hermann DM
- Role of Neutrophils in Exacerbation of Brain Injury After Focal Cerebral Ischemiain Hyperlipidemic Mice. Stroke. 2015 Oct;46(10):2916-25. Herz J, Sabellek P, Lane TE, Gunzer M, Hermann DM, Doeppner TR
- Regulatory T cells ameliorate intrauterine growth retardation in a transgenic rat model for preeclampsia. Hypertension. 2015 Jun;65(6):1298-306. Przybyl L, Ibrahim T, Haase N, Golic M, Rugor J, Luft FC, Bendix I, Serdar M, Wallukat G, Staff AC, Müller DN, Hünig T, Felderhoff-Müser U, Herse F, LaMarca B, Dechend R
- Tracking CNS and systemic sources of oxidative stress during the course ofchronic neuroinflammation. Acta Neuropathol. 2015 Oct 31. Mossakowski AA, Pohlan J, Bremer D, Lindquist R, Millward JM, Bock M, Pollok K, Mothes R, Viohl L, Radbruch M, Gerhard J, Bellmann-Strobl J, Behrens J, Infante-Duarte C, Mähler A, Boschmann M, Rinnenthal JL, FüchtemeierM, Herz J, Pache FC, Bardua M, Priller J, Hauser AE, Paul F, Niesner R, Radbruch H
- Very-late-antigen-4 (VLA-4)-mediated brain invasion by neutrophils leads to interactions with microglia, increased ischemic injury and impaired behavior in experimental stroke. Acta Neuropathol (Berl). 2015;129(2): 259-77) Neumann J, Riek-Burchardt M, Herz J, Doeppner TR, König R, Hütten H, Etemire E, Männ L, Klingberg A, Fischer T, Görtler MW, Heinze HJ, Reichardt P, Schraven B, Hermann DM, Reymann KG, Gunzer M
- Neuroprotective effect of dexmedetomidine on hyperoxia-induced toxicity in the neonatal rat brain.Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2015;2015: 530371 Sifringer M, von Haefen C, Krain M, Paeschke N, Bendix I, Bührer C, Spies CD, Endesfelder S
- Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase modulates NMDA receptor antagonist mediated alterations in the developing brain. Int J Mol Sci. 2014;15(3): 3784-98 Bendix I, Serdar M, Herz J, von Haefen C, Nasser F, Rohrer B, Endesfelder S, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Spies CD, Sifringer M
- Exacerbation of ischemic brain injury in hypercholesterolemic mice is associated with pronounced changes in peripheral and cerebral immune responses. Neurobiol Dis. 2014;62: 456-68 Herz J, Hagen SI, Bergmüller E, Sabellek P, Göthert JR, Buer J, Hansen W, Hermann DM, Doeppner TR
- Neuroblastoma in dialog with its stroma: NTRK1 is a regulator of cellular cross-talk with Schwann cells. Oncotarget. 2014;5(22): 11180-92 Pajtler KW, Mahlow E, Odersky A, Lindner S, Stephan H, Bendix I, Eggert A, Schramm A, Schulte JH
- Modulation of dendritic cell immunobiology via inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(7): e100871 Leuenberger T, Pfueller CF, Luessi F, Bendix I, Paterka M, Prozorovski T, Treue D, Luenstedt S, Herz J, Siffrin V, Infante-Duarte C, Zipp F, Waiczies S
- Strategies for repair of white matter: influence of osmolarity and microglia on proliferation and apoptosis of oligodendrocyte precursor cells in different basal culture media. Front Cell Neurosci. 2013 Dec 26;7:277. Kleinsimlinghaus K, Marx R, Serdar M, Bendix I, Dietzel I
- CEACAM1 expression in oligodendrocytes of the developing rat brain shows a spatiotemporal relation to myelination and is altered in a model of encephalopathy of prematurity. Dev Neurosci. 2013;35(2-3): 226-40 Prager S, Singer BB, Bendix I, Schlager GW, Bertling F, Ceylan B, Keller M, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Ergün S
- Oxygen toxicity is reduced by acetylcholinesterase inhibition in the developing rat brain. Dev Neurosci. 2013;35(2-3): 255-64 Sifringer M, Bendix I, von Haefen C, Endesfelder S, Kalb A, Bührer C, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Spies CD
- Strategies for repair of white matter: influence of osmolarity and microglia on proliferation and apoptosis of oligodendrocyte precursor cells in different basal culture media. Front Cell Neurosci. 2013;7: 277 Kleinsimlinghaus K, Marx R, Serdar M, Bendix I, Dietzel ID
- The role of CD8+ T cells and their local interaction with CD4+ T cells in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein35-55-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J Immunol. 2013;191(10): 4960-8 Leuenberger T, Paterka M, Reuter E, Herz J, Niesner RA, Radbruch H, Bopp T, Zipp F, Siffrin V
- Effects of repetitive exposure to pain and morphine treatment on the neonatal rat brain. Neonatology. 2013;103(1): 35-43 Dührsen L, Simons SH, Dzietko M, Genz K, Bendix I, Boos V, Sifringer M, Tibboel D, Felderhoff-Mueser U
- Effect of propofol in the immature rat brain on short- and long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(5): e64480 Karen T, Schlager GW, Bendix I, Sifringer M, Herrmann R, Pantazis C, Enot D, Keller M, Kerner T, Felderhoff-Mueser U
- Delayed VEGF treatment enhances angiogenesis and recovery after neonatal focal rodent stroke. Transl Stroke Res. 2013;4(2): 189-200 Dzietko M, Derugin N, Wendland MF, Vexler ZS, Ferriero DM